What is and why do you need a
Term Insurance Policy?
Term insurance provides a financial safety net for your family in case of your untimely demise. This ensures that they can maintain their lifestyle, pay off debts, and cover daily expenses without financial strain.
Affordable Protection
Term insurance offers significant coverage at affordable premiums, making it accessible to individuals from all income groups. This affordability ensures that everyone can secure their family's financial future.
Rising Cost of Living
As the cost of living in India continues to rise, term insurance becomes increasingly essential. It helps your family manage future expenses and ensures that they are financially secure even if you're not around to provide for them.
Tax Benefits
Term insurance also offers tax benefits under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act. Premiums paid towards term insurance policies are eligible for tax deductions, providing additional savings for policyholders.
Peace of Mind
One of the most significant benefits of term insurance is the peace of mind it offers. Knowing that your loved ones will be financially protected in your absence can relieve stress and allow you to focus on living your life to the fullest.
Protection Against Liabilities
Term insurance ensures that your family isn't burdened with repaying debts such as home loans, car loans, or personal loans in case of your demise. It provides a financial cushion to cover these liabilities, ensuring your family's financial stability.
Return on Premium
Return of premium life insurance is a type of term life insurance policy that returns a portion of the cumulative premiums paid if the insured out lives the policy's term.
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